Tuesday, July 8, 2008

It's Not About You

I recall a story of a guy walking towards a building. As he approached the entrance, he noticed a woman behind him. He slowly opened the door and held it in place, waiting for the woman to pass. The woman stopped at the threshold, put her hands on her hips and barked, "Please don't hold the door for me just because I'm a lady. I can do it myself, Thank you very much!" The man, calmly replied, "Ma'am, I didn't hold the door open because you are a lady. I held the door open because I'm a gentleman."

As I reflected, I was reminded of how segregated my life has become. It's as if I role play depending on my location and audience. Depending on where and whom I'm with, I can be very gentle, or a jerk. I can be forgiving, or get angry very easily. I can be relational, or look extremely busy and avoid you. Believe me, my life is filled with numerous trap doors, escape pods, and excuses to remove myself from any responsibility, challenge, or conversation.

To whom it may concern: God is calling me out of this confusing mess. I am tired of playing the "Guess Who I Am Today" game. I no longer want to live under the circumstances. My wife, my children, my co-workers, and my friends need me to be ME. God created me perfect for HIS purpose. I no longer want to forfeit His purpose by allowing a person, place, or thing to keep me from it. So starting today, I serve notice to all nouns. I am going to be me regardless of who is watching. No doubt I will lose ground in some arenas, but I will also gain ground in some. At least the ground will be occupied by the real deal.

The Bible says that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. It is reassuring to know that there is no sin capable of making a sonic boom strong enough to knock God off His throne. When I royally screw up, He is always there with an arm to grab. God puts food on my table even though we forget to thank Him for it. God doesn't get offended like me. God's mood does NOT change with the price of oil, even though mine does. God is always on time, on point, and on deck. And it has absolutely NOTHING to do with me. It has everything to do with Him being a God who keeps his promises.

John 13 describes an event where Jesus washes the feet of His disciples. What's interesting is that Jesus knew that Judas was going to betray Him. Even though Judas decided to betray Him, Jesus washed his feet along with the others. What's even more amazing is that Jesus gave him the highest honor at the meal. Now I have to admit. This is NOT how I would have handled it. First off, I would have only sent out 11 dinner invitations. If that didn't stop him, upon washing his feet, I would accidentally on purpose broke his pinky toe. And then I would have poisoned his food. But hey, that's how I roll.

Jesus displayed remarkable grace, compassion, and genuineness in spite of having full knowledge of the circumstances. Jesus didn't give Judas the cold shoulder, not return his emails, or embarrass him. Jesus never allowed Himself to be watered down by anyone. And neither will I, so help me God. Jesus didn't offer Judas grace and mercy, because he deserved it. Jesus offered it because He is gracious and merciful.

"Ma'am, I didn't hold the door open because you are a lady. I held the door open because I'm a gentleman."

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