Friday, February 26, 2010

God's Question

God has only one question for mankind.  He's been saying it for 6,000 years. Some of us have heard him say it multiple times. On the surface, the idea that an all knowing God would even ask a question sounds counterintuitive. But when one looks deeper, the answer is apparent.  If God is asking us a question, it's because WE choose the answer. God may know how we choose to answer the question, but He still gives us the free will to answer it.

Then the LORD God called to Adam and said to him, “Where are you?” Genesis 3:9

God's first question to mankind was "Where are you?" It is a question only we can answer.  God didn't create robots pre-programmed to love him.  He created free will agents with the ability to choose Him, or not.  Hense, When God asked Adam, "Where are you?", He wasn't referring to his physical location.  God asking the location of your body is absurd.  God asking you to decide the location of your heart is the single most important question of your existence.

Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. Joshua 24:15

We are all born into this world as trees planted on a fence line.  On one side of the fence is evil, representing our world right now.  On the other side is good, representing our life in eternity. We remain on the fence line, up until the point God asks us that very important question.  If we choose Christ, we are uprooted and transplanted into His righteousness.  We are grafted into the vine of Christ and our identity is now in Him.  If we don't choose Christ, we are transplanted to the other side and thrown into the elements.  On one side is a life hid in Christ, planted in eternity, and justified. On the other is a life hid in uncertainty, hopelessness, and separation. As long as we breathe oxygen, we can choose where we want God to plant us.  So where are you?

Why are the wicked so prosperous? Why are evil people so happy? You have planted them, and they have taken root and prospered. Your name is on their lips, but you are far from their hearts. But as for me, Lord, you know my heart. You see me and test my thoughts. Drag these people away like sheep to be butchered! Set them aside to be slaughtered! Jeremiah 12:1-3

The prophet's question is as valid today as it was 2,600 years ago. Why do wicked people prosper?  Why does it seem like good things happen to bad people, and vice versa?  The answer is obvious when considering the branches of a tree. Having your tree planted in Christ doesn't mean you won't have branches hanging over into evil.  If I'm in traffic, at the Popeye's drive thru, or at the mall, you might actually see them grow faster than Jack's beanstalk.  But those are my branches, that is NOT where I'm planted.  As I've mentioned in previous posts, we are not what we've done.  We are where we choose to be, and choose to trust.

Just like a Bible toting, bumper-sticker, lapel pin Christian can have branches sneaking over into wickedness,  a sinner can have branches reaching over into charity, righteousness and good deeds?  The answer to the age old  question is this:  God MUST redeem the good branches of the wicked in this life, because their next life is only judgement.  For the Christian, we have already been judged at the cross, so our next life is only reward.  We redeem the reward of our good branches, on the side of our planted hearts.  We redeem the consequences of our bad branches, on the other.

When a Christian reaches into sin and unrighteousness, God prunes them. He doesn't even try to clean it up. He leaves the dead branches on the ground for all to see and read. ( Think Jimmy Swaggart, Ted Haggard, King David,etc. ) When the branches of a wicked person reach out into righteousness, God prunes them and their reward is given to them now. Why?  Because their answer to the question was, "right here and I'm not moving."  When God asked Adam, "Where are you?", it wasn't because He needed to know where he was.  He wanted to know which side of the fence to plant him on. On one side is forgiveness and eternal life, on the other is shame and suffering.  The question hasn't changed in over 6,000 years.

For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Mark 8:36
But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

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